It was a Saturday and having no plans whatsoever he went out to get some coffee. And while he did, he saw some posters all over about this new exhibition at the museum and said to himself, 'Fuck it, let's go get extinct'.
It was 4 PM, he was at the museum, walking by each of the sections, reading the inscriptions and trying to find something interesting. And to his surprise, he did but it was alive and walking all over the place taking notes, seriously.......
He just went near to it, this woman actually, in her white Kurti top and blue jeans, standing before this huge dinosaur exhibit.
Suddenly she uttered, 'That seems to be a huge erection!'
Smirking, he walked close to her and said 'Wondering what he would have seen' and smiling she replied, 'It would have been a huge rack, I guess'
They broke off laughing and whilst everyone started staring at them, they walked out trying to hold onto their socks. Finally when they broke it off, she asked 'So how about you, found something that made you erect?'
He sighed and looked at her eyes.
He said, 'No but much better', paused and went on,
'Found something that made me alive'