A seed of innocence, A mischievous annoyance And a curious prick That played its trick. And there she is, digging, Digging into him. A radicle …
A Deepest Thought

A seed of innocence, A mischievous annoyance And a curious prick That played its trick. And there she is, digging, Digging into him. A radicle …
Nineteen, naive and nerdy, I was, in my world! Sixteen, sweet and sexy, She still is, in her own world! As worlds collided then, Her …
You were there And you were there Even when you weren’t. Always lingering, always aching On the back of my head And in a part …
A day back then, walking in Never realizing, never guessing. As a sparkle on a crackle, they acquainted! Yet never really mine, the miss. Days …
Into her arms, I flee. A place where I thought That gave me peace. A place where I fought That could make me see. A …
And in his heart Or what that left Left his heart. She was here, she was not But she was always There in his heart …
As I do myself And they themselves. In uncertainty! There’s a lot felt Yet a lot left. As they and I, start running, Running or …
It was her, Always, her. The warmth in her love, A cradle, bestowed. An innocence as a dove, A divinity, assured. The bite at her …
A stifling sway Across her throbbing lips And his custom sigh From her rightful nips; At their parting play. A gentle hand Over her rising …
Over the couch A gentle touch Or so it begins. Pulling her close As they gaze Or so it begins. An overwhelming tryst A grasp …