With fireworks all around, The sky was lit up. And he was standing there, In the middle of the terrace, Awaiting eagerly. As he turned …
A Dirty Trick for the night
Coming out of the bath, He throws the towel onto the bed. His wife, staring at him, Waits for him to pick it up. But …

A wedding sentiment
As the priest recites the rituals, Preparing the Agni, It raises the warmth of the mandap! And with emotions running haywire, The bride looks at …

She was his world
All dressed and draped In a black Saree, his favorite, She waited to surprise him. But he stormed in, all tired and restless, Walking right …

o Grace, my Grace
For your heart, Unparalleled of love. For your friendships, Forged as your legacy. For your efforts, Valiant as your will. For your mind, Unriddled in …